Saturday, September 8, 2012

When Writers Reach Other Countries

A writing device.Old School.

You don't know this about me, but I've got readers now in foreign countries. This short blog is a shout out to my reader in Romania. Bună Ziu, which is supposed to mean "Good Day" in Romanian, but how would I know? I'm trusting my Babelfish, my translation site to handle the particulars.

Then there's my reader in Italy. I'd like to say hello to you as well. Why are you reading this stuff? What could you possibly be getting out of these ramblings? I'm just grateful to have you as a reader. And I do love Italian food, although what I'm eating here probably pails in comparison to what you eat on a daily basis. And now I'm jealous.Anyway, to my four readers in Italy, send me some sauce.

Ahh, I see I have a reader in both Germany and in Mexico. I don't know much about German food, but I do love authentic Mexican. Don't look for me south of the border because I hate hot weather, but don't let that deter you from reading about my love affair with writers and words. How did you find this blog?

To my reader up North in Canada, hello! I love Toronto and long to see Montreal. You have great pancakes in Toronto. And I'm dying to see the Mapleleafs play.

People who love writing will read anything as demonstrated by my new international friends. Write me. Tell me how you're doing. Tell me how you stumbled upon this place. Or don't write, just keep stopping by to read me. I knew the pageviews you know, helps to encourage me to put words down on the page or screen,

You don't know this about me, but I need to produce words, lots of words because it keeps the creativity flowing. A friend just gifted me a new PC (new to me). For the first time, in a long time, I am working on a fully functional machine. God knows how I've produced work over the last three years. I could barely get my thesis out because of all the technical problems--hard drives cashing, keys breaking off, and printers dying. Computers are wonderful at processing words, but they are so temperamental.

If you're old enough, then you remember the typewriter. I do. I remember I typed my articles on an electric typewriter for the first time. Never had to worry about a hard drive crashing.

The nuts and bolts of my communication device. Don't laugh, I'm reaching the world.

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